

Course Repetition


一门课程可以重复,以减轻不合格的学术工作(D, F) NP) or if a “W” (withdrawal) was recorded. Students will be allowed to enroll in a course three times under this policy. Military withdrawals do not count in terms of repetition restrictions. If the course is offered at both colleges in the district, the student may repeat the course at either college. Only the last grade will be included 在决定平均绩点时,只有这些学分才会计入毕业成绩.


有特殊情况的学生可以申请批准参加课程a 第四次是向招生和记录办公室提交一份普通的请愿书. 情有可原的情况是经过核实的事故、疾病或其他情况 beyond the control of the student. The student must provide appropriate documentation 在第三次尝试期间发生的情有可原的情况. If approved, only the last grade will be included in determining GPA.




退课(发给在最后退课截止日期前退课的学生). Students 在最后退学日期之后入学的学生必须收到a - f等级信。.


Incomplete Grades


不完整-不可预见的、紧急的和正当的不完整的学术工作 如果学生在学期结束时提出原因,可能会在学生的成绩单上加上“I”号 record. 一个不完整的分数只有在学生与老师联系后才能得到 instructor; awarding of an “I” is at the discretion of the instructor.


“I”可以在学期结束后的一个学期内补足 which it was assigned. The “I” symbol shall not be used in calculating units attempted nor for grade points. A student may petition for extension of the time limit for removal of the incomplete. The petition must include evidence of approval from the instructor.


教师和学生双方必须填写并签署《十大正规网赌软件app》 form. Procedural details are printed on the back of that form.


Pass/No Pass



以前的NC(无学分),(低于C)单元不计算在GPA中. 只有在课程注明“及格”/“不及格”或“不及格”时,才可分配及格或不及格 if the student has elected this option.


正规网赌软件推荐开设的任何课程中,学生可以选择按“P/NP”评分。 前提是该课程不是学位或成就证书的一部分. 在所有情况下,注册课程的学生必须满足课程先决条件.


正规网赌软件推荐获得的“P”级成绩最多可计算12个学分 以满足通识教育和选修课程的要求 graduation.


课程中的一些课程以“P/NP”为基础专门提供. Credit units earned in these courses are exempt from the 12 unit restrictions. In all other courses 不属于学位或成就证书的部分,将被评分的选举 on a “P/NP” basis is at the option of the student. Students electing to be graded 在“P/NP”基础上,应在第五周结束前以书面形式确定该选择 of the semester. (Short-term classes will be allowed a proportionate amount of time.) Once the “P/NP” deadline has passed, the decision is irrevocable.


“P”级至少代表令人满意的(“C”级)表现水平 but shall not be counted as units attempted in computing GPA.


“NP”成绩表示不满意完成课程要求,但不会 be counted as units attempted in computing GPA. “NP” grades will be taken into consideration 在确定缺乏进步的缓刑和取消资格的地位.


打算转学到四年制学院或大学的学生应该检查一下 有关院校在“P”职系转用方面的具体政策.


Academic Renewal


当以前记录的库亚马卡学院的工作是不合格的和不反映 学生目前表现出的能力水平,以及何时需要学生 为了提高平均绩点(GPA)而选修额外的课程 教育目标,这一政策将使不合格的工作得到缓解. If a student 否则不符合毕业资格,学业续期不得用于加薪 GPA in order to qualify for graduation with honors. Academic renewal cannot be used 把为获得学位、证书或证书而进行的课程工作搁置起来 requirements.


当课程减轻时,课程成绩保留在学生的记录上,但是 are not used in the computation of the GPA. Academic renewal does not provide an exception to the course repetition policy.




在Grossmont-Cuyamaca社区学院区完成的不合格课程 may be alleviated subject to all of the following criteria:


1. 该学生已正式要求采取行动,并提供了证明该课程的证据 不合标准,不能代表目前的学术能力和表现水平吗.


2. 至少一年过去了,学生已经完成了,在任何认可的 大专院校,至少15个单元的课程,至少有2个.0 GPA. 学生达到或超过本学期所修的所有课程 the 15 unit minimum will be used in computing the 2.0 GPA.


3. The student may select Option I or Option II. The student may not apply for both.

选项一:最多24个单元的不合格课程(仅限D或F成绩) may be alleviated. This option may be approved twice subject to a total of 24 units.


选项二:两个完整的学期,其中学期GPA低于2.0 may be alleviated. 同一学期在库亚马卡学院和格罗斯蒙特学院修读的课程应 be combined and counted as one semester.




1. 学生必须正式要求对不合格作业进行审查以减轻.


2. 所有以前就读大学的成绩单都必须在招生办存档 and Records Office.


3. 申请委员会应审查所有学业续期申请. The committee will determine if all criteria have been met. Determination by the committee shall be final.


4. 如果你从其他学校转到正规网赌软件推荐 学校的课业减轻了,这种减轻的课业也会减轻 counted toward the maximum of alleviated work allowed.


5. 采取此类行动时,应对学生的永久学习成绩进行注释 因此,对于记录的所有用户来说,很明显,在此期间没有进行任何工作 减轻的学期,即使令人满意,也适用于学位要求. 然而,所有的工作将保持清晰的记录,以确保一个真实和完整的学术 history.